Site Rules
1. Do not troll. This includes misleading people, spamming, sending immature images or having an inappropriate username.
2. Do not be rude to anyone. Don’t start drama or be a part of it. If someone is arguing, report it to a HR or a moderator and they will deal with it.
3. Use the text channels only for their purpose. For example, don’t have conversations in the questions channel, or don’t discuss things related to the group if you are staff in the general channel, do it in the staff channels.
4. Do not cuss. Cussing is not allowed at all. We are a PG environment.
5. Do not spam or use excessive caps. Will result in a ban.
6. No NSFW AT ALL. Doing so will result in an immediate Ban
7. No n word at all, same consequence as the rule #6
8. Don't ping the owner/co-owners for no reason. If there's an emergency or something concerning, it's fine, but don't abuse of it.
10. Don’t ask for a staff role, such as Moderator or any other staff rank! Our team will not accept this and you will be waned.
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